Monday, December 23, 2019

12-22-19 - 'The Love of Christmas'

12-22-19 - 'The Love of Christmas'. Rev. Leo Kobina Ackon. Fourth message in the Advent series, 'Christmas Stories'.

Monday, December 16, 2019

12-15-19 - 'Heralds Of The King'

12-15-19 - 'Heralds Of The King'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Third message in the Advent series, 'Christmas Stories'.

Monday, December 9, 2019

12-08-19 - 'It was in Palatka'

12-08-19 - 'It was in Palatka'. Rev. Kevin Pound's final message as he celebrates 26 years as Senior Pastor of Mandarin Presbyterian Church.

Monday, December 2, 2019

12-01-19 - 'Mary'

12-01-19 - 'Mary'. Rev. Jenn Arnold. First message in the Advent series, 'Christmas Stories'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, November 25, 2019

11-24-19 - 'I'm All In'

11-24-19 - 'I'm All In'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Final message in the Stewardship series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional service.

The initial section of this audio file is a video recap of MPC's HabiJax project recently completed. You can view the video of the entire message here.

Monday, November 18, 2019

11-17-19 - 'All In With Jesus'

11-17-19 - 'All In With Jesus'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Fourth message in the Stewardship Series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11-10-19 - 'All In! Ollin!'

11-10-19 - 'All In! Ollin!'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Third message in the Stewardship Series 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, November 4, 2019

11-3-19 - 'Betting On Heaven'

11-3-19 - 'Betting On Heaven'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Second message in the Stewardship Series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10-27-19 - 'Betting on God's Provision'

10-27-19 - 'Betting on God's Provision'. Rev. Matt Robbins. First message in the Stewardship series, 'All-In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, October 21, 2019

10-20-19 - 'He Calls Ordinary People to do Great Things'

10-20-19 - 'He Calls Ordinary People to do Great Things'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Final message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, October 14, 2019

10-13-19 - 'Jesus Loved Stories'

10-13-19 - 'Jesus Loved Stories'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Sixth message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, October 7, 2019

10-6-19 - 'He Washed His Disciple's Feet'

10-6-19 - 'He Washed His Disciples' Feet'. Rev. Matt Robbins. 5th message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, September 30, 2019

9-29-19 - 'Jesus Is Passionate About Truth'

9-29-19 - 'Jesus Is Passionate About Truth'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Fourth message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, September 23, 2019

9-22-19 - 'He leaves the 99'

9-22-19 - 'He leaves the 99'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Third message in the series, 'What Jesus Means To Me'. This message captured from the 9:00 Traditional Service.

Monday, September 16, 2019

9-15-19 - 'He Touched The Untouchable'

 9-15-19 - 'He Touched The Untouchable'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Second message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, September 9, 2019

9-8-19 - 'He Loved God'

9-8-19 - 'He Loved God'. Rev. Kevin Pound. First message in the series, 'What I Love About Jesus'.
This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

9-1-19 - 'Death'

9-01-19 - 'Death' - Rev. Jeff Arnold. 14th message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

8-25-19 - 'Meet Matt Robbins'

8-25-19 - 'Meet Matt Robbins'. Rev. Kevin Pound introduces Rev. Dr. Matt Robbins as the new Senior Pastor at MPC.

Monday, August 19, 2019

8-18-19 - 'Suffering'

8-18-19 - 'Suffering'. Rev. Jenn Arnold. 12th message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, August 12, 2019

8-11-19 - 'Sin'

8-11-19 - 'Sin'. Rev. Jessica Konker. 11th in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, August 5, 2019

8-4-19 - 'Love'

8-4-19 - 'Love'. Rev. Chris Konker. 10th message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, July 29, 2019

7-28-19 - 'Sovereign Grace'

7-28-19 - 'Sovereign Grace'. Rev. Jeff Arnold. 9th message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the one Worship service at 10:00am.

Monday, July 22, 2019

7-21-19 - Youth Sunday

7-21-19 - Youth Sunday. Worship led by the Costa Rica High School Missions teams.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

7-14-19 - 'Religion'

7-14-19 - 'Religion'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Seventh message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the One Worship Service -10:00am.

7-7-19 - 'Boneheads'

7-7-19 - 'Boneheads'. Rev. Kevin Pound. 6th message in the series, 'Leap Over The Wall'. This message captured from the one Worship service 10:00am.

Monday, July 1, 2019

6-30-19 - 'Generosity'

6-30-19 - 'Generosity'. Rev. Kevin Pound. 5th message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, June 24, 2019

6-23-19 - 'Wilderness'

6-23-19 - 'Wilderness'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Fourth message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

6-16-19 - 'Friendships'

6-16-19 - 'Friendships'. Rev. Chris Konker. Third message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional service.

Monday, June 10, 2019

6-9-19 - 'Imagination'

6-9-19 - 'Imagination'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Second message in the series, 'Leap Over A Wall'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, June 3, 2019

6-2-19 - 'Names'

6-2-19 - 'Names'. Rev. Kevin Pound. First message in the Summer series, 'Leap Over A Wall - Life of David'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

5-26-19 - 'For Whom The Bell Tolls'

5-26-19 - 'For Whom The Bell Tolls'. Rev. Jessica Konker. Final message in the series, 'Let Hope Ring Out'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional Service.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5-19-19 - 'God's Ragamuffins'

5-19-19 - 'God's Ragamuffins'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Fourth message in the series, 'Let Hope Ring Out!'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, May 13, 2019

5-12-19 - 'Deborah's Song...Let It Ring Out'

5-12-19 - 'Deborah's Song...Let It Ring Out'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Third message in the series, 'Let Hope Ring Out!'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, May 6, 2019

5-5-19 - 'Ringing Cracked Bells'

5-5-19 - 'Ringing Cracked Bells'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Second message in the series, 'Let Hope Ring Out'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, April 29, 2019

4-28-19 - 'Ring The Bell'

4-28-19 - 'Ring The Bell'. Rev. Kevin Pound. First message in the series, 'Let Hope Ring Out'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, April 15, 2019

4-14-19 - "He is a dangerous man!"

4-14-19 - "He is a dangerous man!". Rev. Kevin Pound. Sixth message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'. This message captured from the 9:00am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

4-7-19 - "Messiah's aren't crucified!"

4-7-19 - "Messiah's aren't crucified!". Rev. Jenn Arnold. Fifth message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

3-31-18 - 'Do what ever he says!'

3-31-18 - 'Do what ever he says!'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Fourth message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, March 25, 2019

3-24-19 - '"Jesus is possessed!"'

3-24-19 - '"Jesus is possessed!"'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Third message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, March 18, 2019

3-17-19 - 'Isn't he the carpenter's kid?'

3-17-19 - 'Isn't he the carpenter's kid?' #Josephkid #knewhimwhen. Rev. Kevin Pound. Second message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, March 11, 2019

3-10-19 - '"He's a glutton and a drunkard"'

3-10-19 - '"He's a glutton and a drunkard"'. #partieswithsinners.  Rev. Jeff Arnold. First message in the series, 'Jesus According To Twitter'.

Monday, March 4, 2019

3-3-19 - 'Forgiving Yourself'

3-3-19 - 'Forgiving Yourself'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Final message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2-24-19 - 'Bearing And Forgiving'

2-24-19 - 'Bearing And Forgiving'. Rev. Kevin Pound.  8th message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional Service.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2-17-19 - 'Getting Even'

2-17-19 - 'Getting Even'. Rev. Kevin Pound. 7th message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2-10-19 - 'Myths About Forgiveness'

2-10-19 - 'Myths About Forgiveness'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Sixth message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, February 4, 2019

2-03-19 - 'The Super Bowl of Forgiveness'

2-03-19 - 'The Super Bowl of Forgiveness'. Rev. Jeff Arnold. Fifth message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from our 10:00am One Worship Service Sunday, Feb. 3.

Monday, January 28, 2019

1-27-19- 'Mountains and Molehills'

1-27-19 - 'Mountains and Molehills'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Fourth message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

1-20-19 - 'Special Guest Speaker Dr. Larry Crabb'

1-20-19 - 'Special Guest Speaker Dr. Larry Crabb'. Author of several books including "When God's Ways Make No Sense". This message captured from our 9:00am Traditional Service.

Monday, January 14, 2019

1-13-19 - 'What's the big deal?'

1-13-19 - 'What's the big deal?'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Second message in the series, 'Forgiven'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional Service.

Monday, January 7, 2019

1-6-19 - 'Take, Bless, Break, Give Back'

1-6-19 - 'Take, Bless, Break, Give Back'. Rev. Kevin Pound. First message in the series, 'Forgiven'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

12-30-18 - 'Home A Different Way'

12-30-18 - 'Home A Different Way'. Rev. Chris Konker. Final message in the Advent Sermon Series,
'Sent'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

12-24-18 - 'Jesus and the Seven Dwarfs of Christmas'

12-24-18 - 'Jesus and the Seven Dwarfs of Christmas'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Christmas Eve Service at 9:00pm