Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2-24-19 - 'Bearing And Forgiving'

2-24-19 - 'Bearing And Forgiving'. Rev. Kevin Pound.  8th message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional Service.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2-17-19 - 'Getting Even'

2-17-19 - 'Getting Even'. Rev. Kevin Pound. 7th message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2-10-19 - 'Myths About Forgiveness'

2-10-19 - 'Myths About Forgiveness'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Sixth message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, February 4, 2019

2-03-19 - 'The Super Bowl of Forgiveness'

2-03-19 - 'The Super Bowl of Forgiveness'. Rev. Jeff Arnold. Fifth message in the series, 'Forgiveness'. This message captured from our 10:00am One Worship Service Sunday, Feb. 3.