Monday, November 25, 2019

11-24-19 - 'I'm All In'

11-24-19 - 'I'm All In'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Final message in the Stewardship series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 9:00am Traditional service.

The initial section of this audio file is a video recap of MPC's HabiJax project recently completed. You can view the video of the entire message here.

Monday, November 18, 2019

11-17-19 - 'All In With Jesus'

11-17-19 - 'All In With Jesus'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Fourth message in the Stewardship Series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11-10-19 - 'All In! Ollin!'

11-10-19 - 'All In! Ollin!'. Rev. Kevin Pound. Third message in the Stewardship Series 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.

Monday, November 4, 2019

11-3-19 - 'Betting On Heaven'

11-3-19 - 'Betting On Heaven'. Rev. Matt Robbins. Second message in the Stewardship Series, 'All In'. This message captured from the 10:30am Contemporary Service.